It was a few months ago that I referenced something here ... ...known as "The Mets Stiffo Rap," a foray into the world of creativity in lyric, by our occasional guest contributor, Barry Federovitch. It is a fitting tribute to the mediocre Met. After I waited patiently for several months, Barry finally found the verses we enjoyed so much way back when...So as I stall for time before blogging about Cameron/Nady, here is the full text of the "Mets Stiffo Rap." Feel free to sing along or contribute your own thoughts. Now Brock Pemberton can hit dat ball and Joe Nolan went o-for-them all.... If Randy Tate don't do the job then they'll be going deep on a Hank Webb lob... Look, look, it's behind Cliff Cook. Mark Bradley's the man who loves to crash and Jose Moreno can only dash. If Torre'd put Searage in the game then Alex Trevino'll take the blame.... Hey, boy! Jumpin...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.