Big Brown is going for the Triple Crown on Saturday. So I looked up a few things related to that * While no Met has ever won the Triple Crown, their have been six instances in which a Met won the "Team Triple Crown." This required leading the Mets in batting average, home runs, and RBI in the same season. Led Mets in BA, HR, RBI Same Season 2001 Mike Piazza 2000 Mike Piazza 1995 Rico Brogna 1989 Howard Johnson 1971 Cleon Jones 1967 Tommy Davis >> Tied for team lead in HR The most interesting of these is Mike Piazza's capture of the crown in 2000. He won in a photo finish with Edgardo Alfonzo. Piazza batted .32365, while Alfonzo hit .32352, meaning Piazza won the Mets batting race by one-tenthousandth of a point. * Dwight Gooden won the NL's pitching Triple Crown in 1985, leading the NL in wins, ERA and strikeouts. Tom Seaver never did that as a Met. The three times he led the NL in both ERA and strikeouts (1971, 1973, 1975), he got beaten out for the wins lead. ...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.