Tom Glavine is having trouble getting to 300 wins. The Mets, as a franchise, can sympathize, although as an inanimate object, I don't know that they're capable of such emotion. It took the Mets seven tries to get from their 299th win to their 300th win all-time, something they finally did on August 1, 1967 when Don Shaw's five scoreless innings of relief nabbed the club a 5-1 victory over the Astros. But that's not the story. The chase for 300 is much more interesting, particularly the Mets first attempt at getting their 300th win as a team. Harken back with us to July 27, 1967 with this blog post and then take our Tom Glavine-themed trivia quiz (question assistance provided by ) By the way: If you like Mets trivia, it's worth trying to find the book Amazing Mets Trivia (published in 2004) online (as I did a week ago). You'll find the questions to be of a similar nature and as enjoyable as those found here. Tom Glavine trivia, with answers...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.