Some leftovers from a Friday ... * The Mets had it just as bad, walk-off error-wise, in 1971. Over a one-month span, they lost 3 games due to miscue. - On July 17, they lost when Ken Boswell misplayed a Cesar Cedeno infield hit, and the subsequent error made Tom Seaver a loser when Roger Metzger scored the run that ended a 2-1 Astros win. - On August 11, they fell 1-0 in 12 innings to the Padres, spoiling a great effort by Tom Seaver when catcher Jerry Grote made an errant throw to third trying to nail Larry Stahl, who was completing a double steal. Stahl would score the winning run. - Three days later, they lost to the Giants, 6-5 in 10 innings, blowing a 5-4 edge in the ninth and dropping the game when centerfielder Don Hahn dropped a fly ball hit by Jimmy Rosario with the bases loaded (the play was scored SF-E8). It was one of three errors in the loss, which dropped the Mets to 13-30 over a 43-game span (sound familiar???) * One quick note for those of you who remember 1980 fondly (...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.