Ok...This is my 2nd attempt at writing a blog (my first one lasted approximately 4 hours before I realized that I wasn't motivated enough to do this). I don't profess to be an expert in this by any means, but I thought it would be worthwhile.
In my job as a baseball researcher, I come across a lot of websites and do a lot of blog reading. A couple of months ago, I came across one that was very unique- Plunkbiggio.blogspot.com. It is rare to find such a cleverly done "niche blog" and in thinking about it, I decided that it is time to create my own.
As someone who has followed and "quasi-covered" (from a journalistic perspective), the New York Mets, I am familiar with and a regular reader of many websites devoted to the team. Some of my favorites will be listed under "links." The people that run these sites and blogs do an excellent job and made it very challenging for me to think of a Mets-related blog that would serve as a nice companion to those already in existence.
To make a long story short, I have decided to create a blog that chronicles Mets walk-off moments. In watching games for the last quarter century, it has become clear that the most interesting type of Mets game to watch/write about/talk about is a walk-off win. This is a franchise that is well-known for making its fans suffer through torturous games, and the history of such is long and rich. There is a website known as "The Ultimate Mets Database" that allows fans to reminisce about games and players, and I hope that this blog can serve as a worthy, easily accessible companion to that site and others.
Let me explain what I did. Over the past two weeks, I spent about 60 to 90 minutes per day (usually between 11am and 1pm) going through boxscores at Retrosheet. I literally clicked on every home game that met the following criteria
1- Was a Mets win
2- Was decided by 4 runs or less
3- Did not involve the recording of a save
That allowed me to find the walk-offs in an easier manner. I proceeded to list those games on paper, then type them in to a Microsoft Works database. I included pertinent details, such as score, opponent, winning moment, etc. As of now, I have documented 323 such walk-off games. I cannot vouch that this number is exactly correct, though I believe I have covered every one.
On this site, I will try to, in a manner of my own choosing, document, reminisce and share my hopefully-unique perspective on those games and the personalities involved. I hope you will enjoy reading about them and I welcome your feedback in the future.
In my job as a baseball researcher, I come across a lot of websites and do a lot of blog reading. A couple of months ago, I came across one that was very unique- Plunkbiggio.blogspot.com. It is rare to find such a cleverly done "niche blog" and in thinking about it, I decided that it is time to create my own.
As someone who has followed and "quasi-covered" (from a journalistic perspective), the New York Mets, I am familiar with and a regular reader of many websites devoted to the team. Some of my favorites will be listed under "links." The people that run these sites and blogs do an excellent job and made it very challenging for me to think of a Mets-related blog that would serve as a nice companion to those already in existence.
To make a long story short, I have decided to create a blog that chronicles Mets walk-off moments. In watching games for the last quarter century, it has become clear that the most interesting type of Mets game to watch/write about/talk about is a walk-off win. This is a franchise that is well-known for making its fans suffer through torturous games, and the history of such is long and rich. There is a website known as "The Ultimate Mets Database" that allows fans to reminisce about games and players, and I hope that this blog can serve as a worthy, easily accessible companion to that site and others.
Let me explain what I did. Over the past two weeks, I spent about 60 to 90 minutes per day (usually between 11am and 1pm) going through boxscores at Retrosheet. I literally clicked on every home game that met the following criteria
1- Was a Mets win
2- Was decided by 4 runs or less
3- Did not involve the recording of a save
That allowed me to find the walk-offs in an easier manner. I proceeded to list those games on paper, then type them in to a Microsoft Works database. I included pertinent details, such as score, opponent, winning moment, etc. As of now, I have documented 323 such walk-off games. I cannot vouch that this number is exactly correct, though I believe I have covered every one.
On this site, I will try to, in a manner of my own choosing, document, reminisce and share my hopefully-unique perspective on those games and the personalities involved. I hope you will enjoy reading about them and I welcome your feedback in the future.