The only thing you can contemplate writing about is Ricardo Rincon joining the ranks of Mets with 0.00 ERAs.
For the record, he joins (listed with innings)
1-Jon Adkins
1- Desi Relaford
1-Kenny Greer
1-Manny Hernandez
1-Bob Gibson
1 2/3-Bob Johnson
2- Kevin Brown
2-Don Rose
2 2/3-Felix Heredia
5 2/3-Dan Schatzader
5 2/3 C.J. Nitkowski
True Metzeros know...The highest ERA in Mets history belongs, not to Jonathon Niese (15.00), but to Todd Zeile (45.00).
For the record, he joins (listed with innings)
1-Jon Adkins
1- Desi Relaford
1-Kenny Greer
1-Manny Hernandez
1-Bob Gibson
1 2/3-Bob Johnson
2- Kevin Brown
2-Don Rose
2 2/3-Felix Heredia
5 2/3-Dan Schatzader
5 2/3 C.J. Nitkowski
True Metzeros know...The highest ERA in Mets history belongs, not to Jonathon Niese (15.00), but to Todd Zeile (45.00).