(Reprinted from a posting on November 1, with two new ones added, with appropriate links at the bottom...) The Mets And The Yankees A 9-inning Haiku Dave Mlicki won It wasn't even that close Six to nothing Mets When Brian McRae went wandering off first base I was beyond pissed http://metswalkoffs.blogspot.com/2005/06/bring-in-yoshii.html Matt Franco was up The Yanks had Satan pitching Two-run single. Yay! Clemens beaned our guy What a piece of expletive And what a grand slam! Carlos Almanzar? You have got to be kidding Piazza crushed it Estes missed his spot But the home run sure was nice Winning is revenge http://metswalkoffs.blogspot.com/2006/06/pitching-in.html One shining moment A home run off David Wells Mo should have quit then Shane Spencer dribbler A perfectly placed baseball Sturtze threw home wildly All hail Mister Koo! First a double off Johnson Then that slide...he's safe! EXTRA INNINGS (new ones) David Wright's a smash Randy Johnson: pathetic Call it a Charmed ...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.