I've been getting a lot of searches from Bing and Google recently. I'm going to try to answer the questions posed by those people so that if they ever search again, they'll end up finding what they're looking for. Hopefully this will help others out as well. I'll put the newest questions on top. 11/28/2009 What happened in the Mets game on July 27, 1985? Ooh, I like this one a lot. The Mets beat the Astros in a doubleheader, 16-4, and 7-3. The highlight of the doubleheader is that in Game 1, all 16 of the Mets runs were unearned. (I was there). What Mets have hit a home run in their first at-bat? Benny Ayala (1974), Mike Fitzgerald (1983), Kaz Matsui (2004), and Mike Jacobs (2005) Does a sacrifice count in batting average? No. Did Willie Mays hit a home run off Tom Seaver? In 26 plate appearances against Seaver, he did not. Did Willie Mays hit a home run against Steve Carlton? Yes, two of them, in 75 plate appearances. He hit one for the Giants on August 23 1967 and...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.