Randy Tomlin Getting back to the subject of Mets frustration (and Friday seems like a good day to do so, given Thursday's events), you may have heard on Sunday that Phillies starter Adam Eaton is one of baseball's all-time best pitchers against the Mets, with a 5-0 mark. In fact, there's only one retired pitcher with a better perfect record against the Mets. That would be former Pirate Randy Tomlin, who currently works as a pitching coach for the Potomac Nationals , a Class-A affiliate of the Washington Nationals. For those who don't recall, this, in a nutshell, is Randy Tomlin's career, which spanned from 1990-1994. That coincides with a time in which the Pirates were on the rise, and the Mets were on a steep decline. Tomlin vs Mets W-L 9-0 (4-0 at Shea) ERA 2.05 Opp BA .216 Tomlin vs Everyone Else W-L 21-31 ERA 3.55 Opp BA .277 Randy Tomlin's nickname was "Whispers" and we thought it could be because the Mets couldn't get within earshot of a vic...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.