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Showing posts from March 28, 2010

A Fool For Trying

Posts are probably gonna be limited for awhile (no foolin') but couldn't resist this... With the birth of a new season upon us, I feel compelled to reinvent this blog to fit the needs of the community. Walk-offs have run (or walked) their course and it's time to focus on something new. You may recall that I dabbled in such a thought at this time in each of the last four years, but my foolish pursuit to chronicle the history of Mets walks lasted merely one day, my intent to break down every Mets chalk-off turned into a brief endeavor, my desire to extract the finest details from every collision between ball (or person) and wall ran its (collision) course quite quickly, and the idea of charting every stupid Met-made comment became too huge an undertaking (especially in 2009). I don't profess to be an expert in this blogging thing by any means, but I think it has been a worthwhile experience. About 58 months ago, I came across a blog that was very unique- PlunkBiggio - wh...