So after the nice reaction I got to my Barry Bonds trivia quiz, it struck me that I should make this a quasi-regular blog feature in the mold of "Best Games I Know" and "Didja Ever Notice?" With that in mind, I went looking for a topic that I could make both educational and enjoyable. I found it in the subject of "Ownership." I'm not talking about the kind that involves the Paysons or Wilpons. My subject is more related to something I wrote about not long ago- the idea of "Metskilledya" as it relates to the individual player. Metskilledya- Of or relating to the idea of one being dominated by the Mets. Origin of the word: Latvian Orthodox. Derived from the Seinfeldian "Cantstandya." Alternate pronunciations: None, though you can give it an extra-nasal inflection, if you like. Use in a sentence: "Darold Knowles, he of 1973 World Series heroics, came down with a case of Metskilledya later in his career, blowing saves in 4 consecu...
A blog devoted to cataloguing New York Mets walk-offs and other trivia. For those unaware of the definition of walk-off just replace the term with the words "game-ending" and you should have a much better understanding of the phrase.